Mother Yeast & Sourdough


Mother Yeast & Sourdough preparation. Variations of mother dough. How to store mother dough.



Preparation of Mother Yeast and Sourdough requires many patience and love! The mother dough (or sourdough) is a dough of flour and water left to ferment for a few days naturally or with added sugars. Yeasts and bacteria from ambience and atmosphere transform the sugars. The mother yeast has ancient origins as Fermentation was discovered by chance in 2000 B.C., when in Egypt was left a piece of the mixture to prepare unleavened bread under the sun and this began to increase its volume and then, once baked the bread, it turned out softer and with much more pleasant taste.

Unlike the brewer's yeast made from a single bacterium strain of Saccharomyces, in yeast there are also other bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus, responsible for the conversion of sugars into lactic acid, this means that the bread made with mother yeast has 2 kinds of fermentation: alcoholic and lactic acid. It gives the bread a special taste and a better digestibility.

The sourdough is prepared by composing a spontaneous acid dough obtained by mixing water and flour in a wise way. To speed up the preparation of natural yeast we recommend adding exogenous lactic bacteria and sugars. They are the key elements to allow the spontaneous growth of yeasts. Given the presence of the genus Lactobacillus we recommend adding to the dough of flour and water a source of lactic bacteria such as yogurt.

Mother Yeast

Mother Yeast can be prepared at home with only two ingredients and a lot of patience. To prepare the sourdough you need 200 grams of flour of Type 0 and 100 ml of warm water. Put the flour in a bowl, adding the water a little at a time until you get a very soft dough. The resulting dough should be placed in a slightly floured glass jar. Engrave the surface of the dough with a cross cut and cover the container with a damp cloth and cling film.

The dough should be left to stand for 48 hours at about 18°-25°. It will be better if you have a basket of ripe fruits near the dough that time. After 48 hours the dough begins to swell, forming large alveoli. Take about 200 gr and add another 200 gr of flour, 100 ml of water and let it stand for another 2 days. Continue this refreshment procedure for at least another 2 weeks.

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Variations of Mother Dough

In some recipes you will find manitoba flour instead of Type 0 / and yogurt instead of water in equal percentages: 250 gr of manitoba and 250 low-fat yogurt. For refreshments, however, only water should always be used. You can also add an activating agent to the base dough, such as a small piece of apple or a teaspoon of honey.

How to store Mother Dough

When active, the mother yeast is stored in a glass jar closed with a lid or foil. It can stay at room temperature if you decide to use it every day and in this case it should be refreshed 1 time a day. It can also stay in the refrigerator if you decide to cook it 1 or 2 times a week not using it every day. In any case it must be refreshed at least once a week otherwise it dies. The day before using the mother yeast you need to refresh it and the same day again. Wait for it to activate before using. The leavening of the dough with natural yeast is very long. It can take 12- 24 hours.

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The Recipe

This recipe is prepared by Paradiso Pure.Living former Chef Federica Scolta

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Bon appetit!