Cappello del Cardinale


This Vegetarian dish was created on the base of a traditional recipe of Cappello del Cardinale with a refined combination of flavours and colours in line with our 100% Vegetarian Pure.Food concept.


[ For 4 persons ]

  • For pasta:

    -Flour #0 - 300 gr.;
    -Milled semolina - 75 gr.;
    -Wild garlic (Bear leek / Allium Ursinum) puree - 100 gr.;
    -Eggs - 2 or 3.
  • For stuffing:

    -Aubergines - 3, medium size;
    -Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.; 
    -Leek - ⅓ part of a leek.
  • For sauce:

    -Water - 220 ml;
    -Pine nuts - 80 gr.;
    -Yuzugosho sauce (macerated with citrus, salt and chili);
    -Peeled broad beans - 0,5 kg;
    -Extra virgin olive oil - just enough;
    -Basil - just enough.

Wild garlic pure

In a medium-size pot bring 1 liter of water, 7 gr. of salt and make it boil. In the meantime clean and wash wild garlic leaves well. Blanch the leaves for 3-4 minutes in boiling water and cool it down in cold water with ice and a pinch of salt (salt serves to fix chlorophyll and to maintain the green color of the blanched leaves). Once cold, whisk the leaves with a blender (better at the high power) until the mixture becomes smooth.

Pine nut sauce

Soak the pine nuts for an hour. Whisk with a pinch of salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. The mixture should be smooth and homogeneous. If any lumps remain, simply filter the mixture.

Keep the mixture in the fridge until the time of use. The mixture may separate slightly. In this case it is enough to emulsify it with a whisk or with an immersion mixer.


In a medium-size bowl mix different types of flours. In another bowl combine the eggs with the wild garlic pure. Add the liquid mixture to the bowl with flour and knead until you have a smooth and homogeneous dough. Let it rest for at least 1 hour in the fridge covered well with film.


Wash the vegetables. Place the whole eggplants on a baking sheet, sprinkled with olive oil and a teaspoon of coarse salt. Heat the oven to 180°C and bake for about 30 minutes (the cooking time depends on the maturity of the eggplants, their size and your oven). Eggplants should become soft.

Meanwhile on a baking tray arrange in a homogeneous way: tomatoes (cut in half) and finely chopped leek. Season it with oil, salt, pepper and a little bit of basil leaves (according to your taste). Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 15 minutes.

Cool down vegetables. As soon as they are cold, remove skin of the eggplants, cut them into coarse pieces and place in a colander together with the cherry tomatoes, to remove water of vegetation and not to have a stuffing too wet (too liquid stuffing is difficult to process). *Do not throw away this vegetable water, it is rich with flavor and serves for the garnish of the dish later.

Once drained, mix the vegetables and make the mixture homogeneous. After preparation put the vegetable mixture in a stuffing bag. It will help us to stuff the dough on the next step.

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When the dough has rested and we have the stuffing ready, we proceed by rolling the dough on a rolling pin or with the help of the machine. When preparing the dough, use only light dusting of flour not to stick the dough to the roller, but be careful not to overdo the flour, to avoid the risk that the dough will open once stuffed. The thickness of the dough should be about 1,5 millimeters.

Upon reaching the needed thickness, cut out precise squares of dough (the size of the squares depends on how big you want the cardinal's hair once finished). The average size is around 5 cm per side. You cut the dough using square molds, or cut out a shape of the desired diameter to be more precise. I recommend making only a few squares at a time, because the dough tends to dry if it stays for too long in contact with air. To avoid this problem you can cover the sheets of dough with film, which will be insulating while you work with cutting.

Then taking a few squares and with the help of the stuffing bag we make a point with stuffing in the center of the square, being careful not to put too much stuffing. It will help us to avoid that the stuffing squeezes out when we "close" the "cappello". Once put the stuffing, take the square of dough, you have to join the 4 tips of the square crushing the parts at the end so that they join evenly. If the dough does not stick well, spray a little bit of water with a sprinkler, it will help to make the dough stick better.

Arrange the Cappelli del Cardinale on a baking sheet and keep them covered with foil, doing so the dough does not dry out, otherwise there is a risk that it will break during cooking.

Store the pasta in the fridge if it will be used on the day. Otherwise you can freeze it and cook later.


Blanch the beans in salted water for 3 minutes and cool them down in cold water with ice (it will save the green color). Remove shells. Once the beans are shelled, place them in a bowl and season with extra virgin olive oil, pepper and Yuzugosho sauce (to add the flavour).

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Boiling Cappelli del Cardinale

Boil Cappelli del Cardinale in salted boiling water for 4-5 minutes (depending from the dimension of Cappelli that you have prepared). They should be cooked slightly al dente.


You will need flat bottom / or flat plate with a slight edge (like on the picture). Pour 1-2 tablespoons of pine nut sauce and spread it evenly on the bottom of the dish. Season the boiled Cappelli del Cardinale with a drizzle of oil, not to make them stick. Arrange Cappelli del Cardinale in a circle on the plate leaving the center free. Put a spoonful of broad beans to the center of the plate. Garnish the dish with a grated pepper and extra virgin olive oil emulsified with the water of vegetation that we have kept aside.

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The Recipe

This recipe is prepared by Paradiso Pure.Living former Sous-chef Ivan Hladyuk.

Learn other healthy recipes on our Recipes webpage ;)

Bon appetit!